My biggest book insecurity is not finishing a book. Even if I don’t care for the story I will usually try to still finish it. I’ve been known to force myself into finishing books I absolutely hate. I’m afraid of wasting time, but in my head if I’ve already read more than halfway it would be more of a waste if I didn’t finish the book. However, there are always exceptions to this personal flaw, here are some of them.

The Once and Future Witches – Alex E. Harrow

The story is told by three sisters who join the women sufferiast in New Salem. It’s a fantasy that combines feminism with witchcraft and we get a more modern take on what happened at the Salem Witch Trials. The plot of this book is interesting, but the character’s personalities couldn’t hold my attention. I found myself quite bored always waiting for something interesting to happen. When something interesting did happen it was either glossed over or the conflict was solved relatively quickly. I read to almost the halfway mark and I was still waiting to know what the main conflict would be. Overall the book is written with interesting language, I just personally do not think its for me at this moment. I would be willing to pick it back up at a different time.

Crush – Tracy Wolff

This is actually the second book in a larger series, but I could not make it past a third of the book. We are back at Katmere Academy after Grace has finally come back from being turned into stone. However, this time her life feels fragmented, days and hours she can not recall. As soon as Grace starts to feel safe and stable, Hudson returns with a plan for vengeance. Just remember when dealing with vampires not everything is what it seems. I got about halfway done with this book before I put it down and never picked it back up. Part of me feels like this book is very much for its intended audience. Being in my 20s I felt very removed from the plot, characters and especially the language.

The Secret History – Donna Tartt

I read about 80% of this book before I stopped reading it about three years ago. The story follows Richard who was recently accepted to the elite Hampden College on scholarship. Richard is studying literature and soon realizes he cannot enroll into the classics due to the professor only allowing a handpicked clique to. However, after Richard helps with a translation he is invited into the secluded group. It is here Richard begins noticing odd behaviors of the group which eventually lead to their downfall. Don’t get me wrong the plot of this story hits everything I’m interested in. I also flew through the majority of the book, but towards the end the pretentiousness and slow pacing even after the climax lost me. I do plan on rereading and hopefully finishing the story this winter.