April is National Poetry Month. There are so many incredible poetry books out there written by such amazing poets. Here are just four poets whose poetry would make great reads this month.

Edgar Allan Poe

If you’re looking to read some classic poetry, Edgar Allan Poe is one of the best to read. Most know him for his short horror stories, but Poe also wrote a lot of poetry. Most notable of his works include “The Raven,” “Annabel Lee,” and “A Dream Within a Dream.” Though some of his poetry does include the horror elements he is best known for, his work also explores topics like death, lost love, and regret. His poetry stands out when compared to others from his time because most did not dare to discuss the topics that he speaks about.

Robert Frost

Robert Frost was not always as well-known as he is today. After the publication of his first poem, Frost had little success in publishing more until the release of his collection North of Boston. His work rose quickly in popularity, and he became the widely-known poet he is considered today. Frost’s poetry often focuses on nature, especially New England scenery. His descriptions of nature often represented something much deeper and more centralized in humanity. Often he focused on topics like isolation and death. Frost’s work stands out because unlike other poets from his time, he used traditional form while still incorporating modern poetic themes.

Rita Dove

Rita Dove has received numerous awards for her poetry, including the Pulitzer Prize and the National Medal of Arts. Her work focuses on issues African Americans face, as well as broader issues like family and motherhood. One of her most well-known pieces is her collection Thomas and Beulah whose poetry is based on the lives of her maternal grandparents. Her work is often in free-verse and includes lots of imagery and symbolism to bring the work to life.

Ocean Vuong

Ocean Vuong is a contemporary poet whose most recent works include Night Sky With Exit Wounds and Time Is a Mother. He has won the T.S. Eliot prize along with numerous other awards for his poetry and fiction novel. His poetry focuses on topics like loss, desire, and transformation. His work also focuses on more personal themes such as sexuality, depression, and the violence his family experienced during the Vietnam War. Vuong often plays with form in his poetry, distancing himself from typical line arrangement.

These are just some of the incredible poets out there whose work should be read during National Poetry Month. No matter what topics you like to read about or what era of literature you prefer reading, there will be an incredible poet who will suit your interests. If you want to discover more poets, we recently interviewed poets Sara Moore Wagner and Dustin Pearson.