By Karlie Shoffner

If you don’t enjoy romances but still want to read books that discuss love for Valentine’s Day, these are the books for you. Though they still hold romantic scenes, these books offer so much more than just romance. Ranging from a novel about a mysterious circus that appears overnight to a book showing a woman undergoing a strange transformation, these books prove to be enjoyable with their combinations of unique storylines and stories of love.

Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield

A unique combination of love and horror, Our Wives Under the Sea tells the story of one woman’s strange transformation after her deep sea exploration. Miri is left to care for her wife Leah after she comes home after being at sea for six months and must work to save her wife after her condition begins to worsen. While watching Leah change, readers can also see Miri and Leah’s relationship and how the past begins to haunt Miri after she feels she no longer recognizes her wife. A horror story with deeply romantic elements, readers will enjoy Miri and Leah’s relationship as well as the strangeness surrounding it.

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

A Little Life focuses on four friends as they navigate their new lives in New York City. Balancing themes of romantic love and platonic love, readers can watch as love keeps the friends stable through the most difficult times of their lives. A beautiful, heartbreaking tale, this book is a must read.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Mystery surrounds the beginning of Celia and Marco’s relationship. The two do not even know each other at the beginning of the novel; they only know that they have been put in a competition against each other. A sudden passion overcomes the two one night when they come close to each other, and they fall deeply in love, determined to swear off the competition they’ve been placed in to be with each other. With beautiful descriptions and an even more beautiful relationship, readers will find themselves wanting to visit Le Cirque Des Reves and witness the love of Celia and Marco.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

After spending centuries invisible to the world around her, Addie LaRue suddenly meets a man that can see her and the two fall deeply in love. Their relationship quickly changes, though, from one of deep passion to one that feels like it has slipped out of their hands. Readers will love following Addie LaRue’s journey through the centuries and how love plays a part in it.

While not necessarily romances, these books still feature beautiful love stories you will want to read. The relationships in these novels are deeply passionate and feel fitting for the holiday. Even if you do not care for romances, you will find yourself loving these novels.