A beloved pastime of mine is combing the shelves of a bookstore in search of the perfect book. However, it can be tricky to find new books to get out of a reading rut. What are the perfect steps to take in order to find the perfect book? Here are Falcon Four tips to find your next best read.

Browse the Best Sellers Section

The best sellers section is a trove of treasures hence browsing the best selling book section is one of the most important first steps to finding your next read. The best selling section of any bookstore holds books of many genres and authors thus challenging you to step out of your comfort zone. Within this one section you can escape into another world with your favorite genre or be adventurous and try a new, exciting genre or author. Have fun diving into a world of possibilities.  

Take your Time 

When finding your next book give yourself time to browse the selves aimlessly. Reading should not feel like a chore thus finding the next read should not feel like work either. Take time wandering through the seemingly endless isles of books without a care in mind (preferably with your coffee of choice in hand). Let the books transform you to new places and times without leaving the store. 

Speed Date the Book 

Buying and reading books is an investment of time and money therefore you want to vet books before you waste time or money on them. My favorite way of filtering out books is by “speed dating” the book in the store. Pick a book and spend time reading the back cover and first few pages of the book to get a quick glimpse into the essence of the book. Ask yourself if the book is something that genuinely piques your interest and you can see yourself finishing the book. 

When in doubt, ask

From my experience, Some of the nicest and most helpful people you will find are in a bookstore whether working or browsing the shelves. If you have a specific book or author you are looking for, consider asking an employee of the bookstore to guide you in the right direction. Often not only will they know where to point you, they will offer advice or recommendations on their favorite books by an author or in a genre. 

If you follow these tips you will have a breeze finding your spring reads. Happy reading.