By: Destiny Breniser


What if you had the chance to live another life instead of the one you are currently living? This story turns the idea of a multiverse on its head centered on what happens when you die. 

This book was published in 2020 with its genre being science fiction. The place you go when you are in between life and death is different for everyone, in the case of Nora Seed, it is a library. A library filled with an endless amount of books each representing a life she could have lived. It gives her the chance to explore her deepest regrets and see how her life could have gone if her choices were just a little different. 

The Midnight Library is a story about self-discovery and second chances. You see Nora learns more about herself through each life she lives. “It wasn’t the shock of having been close to death. It was the shock of realizing she actually wanted to live.” She learns how special life can truly be no matter how challenging it may seem.

For readers, it reminds them that your choices do matter. Not in the way that you need to dwell on and regret past decisions. It is a way of accepting that those are the choices you made and there is no way of changing and making them better. The only thing you can do is learn from them. In doing so, you can learn that doing big things is not necessary, and you can still leave a just as important mark on the world.