Today is Veterans Day, a day that did not mean much to me for a long time. I knew it was a day to remember those who served, but they only crossed my mind for maybe a few seconds throughout the entire day and then never again after that. It wasn’t until I spoke to veterans and read about the lives of certain veterans that my perspective of this day changed. One of the most inspiring books that I have ever read and that changed my perspective of Veterans Day was “Unbroken.”

“Unbroken” By Laura Hillenbrand Review

Hillenbrand conveys the true story of U.S. war veteran Louie Zamperini in a powerful way through this book. She follows the events of his life from his early childhood to his time in the military.

Early Life

Louie grew up in California and was constantly getting into trouble as a kid. He was constantly stealing food and running into trouble with the law. Pete, Louie’s older brother, helped Louie turn his life around by introducing him to track and field. Running was a talent of his as he went on to break multiple high school records. He even went on to compete in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. His life took a turn again once WWII started.


Louie became a bombardier in the army air corps. While serving, Louie’s plane was shot down while he was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Only Louie and two of his fellow soldiers survived the crash. One died while they were stuck at sea, leaving only Louie and his friend Phil. Forty-six days passed until a boat passed by to pick them up. However, the Japanese controlled the boat. They took Louie and Phil and brought them to their Prisoner of War camp. Here, both men were treated inhumanely.

For over two years Louie was stuck being transferred from Prisoner of War camp to Prisoner of War camp until the war was over. Louie was targeted and treated more poorly than the other Prisoners of Wars by the officials because of his Olympian status. He persevered through the pain and made it home once the war ended.

Life After War

While Louie went on to marry the girl of his dreams and have a daughter, his life was anything but back to normal. He suffered severely from PTSD and developed a drinking problem. Cynthia, Louie’s wife, is ready to file for divorce when Billy Graham comes to town and changes her mind. She convinces Louie to come listen to Graham preach. Coming back to God allows Louie to his drinking problem. He is able to turn his life around for the better as he becomes a motivational speaker. Louis is able to forgive all the men that hurt him during the war.

This overview is an understatement of all that Louie endured throughout his life. To truly understand the extent of hardships soldiers go through, I recommend reading this book and all that Louie was able to overcome!


There was so much that I loved about this book. First and foremost, the story itself was just incredibly inspiring. There are not many books that keep me wanting to turn the page, but this one definitely did. The way the author portrayed the story had me emotionally invested into the story. The amount of detail that is given is beautiful. You are not given a glossed over PG version of what it is like to be in war. You are given the complete truth. Which, while it was hard to read, it was very powerful and informative.


I can honestly say there was not much that I disliked about the book. The book was very detailed, which was a good and bad thing. When the detail was being used to describe Louie’s hardships and life, I loved it. When the detail was being used to describe the plane or weather, however, it was a little boring to read. That is the only complaint I have. This is not a complaint but more of a warning: the story gets very deep so be aware of that before reading.


I have to give this book a full 5/5 star rating. This book captured and kept my attention by beautifully depicting the life of Louie Zamperini. I was awestruck by all that he endured and survived. His strength and perseverance was admirable. It was an honor being able to see into the life of Louie Zamperini. Reading this book is an experience that is definitely worth it. I cannot recommend this book enough!

It is hard to appreciate Veterans Day the way it deserves to be without having some understanding of the experiences of veterans. While most people cannot empathize with a veteran, you can sympathize the more you learn the kind of life that most endured. If you want to have a deeper appreciation and understanding of veterans, I recommend reading “Unbroken” this holiday.