The beginning of a new semester can be very stressful and overwhelming. You’re being bombarded with classes, meetings and work. You’re trying to figure out how to live on your own. Not to mention you’re also making time for friends and discovering who you are and who you want to be… 

College is a doozy. There is a lot to balance and figure out. It can be difficult to truly make the most of every day in college. Sometimes it can feel like college is ruling over your life. 

“Rule Your Day” is an inspirational book by Christian writer Joel Osteen. While there are many Christian applications throughout the book, there are many everyday life lessons as well. It provides 6 pieces of advice on how to take control of your day and life. Isn’t that what we all need going into this new semester of college?

Chapter 1: Rule Your Day

“You can’t control all that’s around you, but you can control what gets in you” (Osteen 6)

Chapter 1 talks about taking control of your atmosphere. Who you surround yourself with and what you take in is so important to who you become. 

In college, it is important to find the people, organizations and majors that build you up instead of tearing you down. A positive atmosphere is needed to have a worthwhile semester that molds you into the person that you intend on becoming throughout college. 

Chapter 2: Daily Direction

“Just because it was right in the past doesn’t mean it’s right for today” (Osteen 38)

Chapter 2 talks about being willing to receive daily direction and guidance. What works in life one day may not work the next, and you have to be willing to make those necessary changes. 

A certain schedule, major, routine, friendgroup or organization might work at one point during the semester. However, you have to be willing to make adjustments and changes to those things if they stop working later on. It can be scary to change something that you thought would work forever, but it is necessary to ensure that these things do not rule over you and take control of your college experience.

Chapter 3: Keep Speaking Victory

“You’re going to eat the fruit of your words. Make sure that you’re sending out words you want to eat” (Osteen 65). 

Chapter 3 talks about speaking victory and positivity over your life.

This is so crucial in college! College gets difficult fairly quickly. If you keep telling yourself that you won’t get things done or perform well on that test, then you most likely won’t. If you constantly tell yourself that you can’t do it, then that’s exactly what will happen. How you talk to yourself matters. Take the time to be kind to yourself this semester! Encourage yourself and tell yourself that you can, and you most likely will.

Chapter 4: The Secret to Solving Problems

“Your miracle is waiting for you as you help others” (Osteen 87)

Chapter 4 talks about prioritizing being there for others. 

This can be one of the most difficult things to do in college. There is so much of your own business that you have to deal with that the thought of being there for others seems impossible. Throughout this semester, make sure to take the time to be there for your friends when you can. You never know when you’ll need them to be there for you, and no good deed goes unnoticed. Help your friends and trust in how that will help you further on in life. 

Chapter 5: No More Distractions

“Quit wasting time trying to convince someone to understand you who’s determined to misunderstand you” (Osteen 90)

Chapter 5 talks about getting rid of the distraction of pleasing people in your life. 

No matter what you do, say or think in college, there will always be people who disagree and criticize you for it. Don’t waste your time trying to please everyone in college. It is not possible and trying to achieve this impossible task only gives the people power over your life. Stop distracting yourself by trying to please others and instead rule your day by living the life you are being called to live.

Chapter 6: Ready to Rise

“You may go through difficulties, a loss, or a disappointment, but at some point the winds will stop, the storm will pass, and like that palm tree, you’ll come right back up” (Osteen 115). 

Chapter 6 talks about not letting failures have the final say.

You will fail in college at one point or another. It is inevitable. You will run into issues with friends, question your major, struggle in a class or struggle with figuring out who you are. Never let your failure or setback in college have the final say. Arise and persevere past it, and you will experience victory.


I would give this book a 4/5 rating. It is a very quick and easy read that just speaks life. I would recommend this book for any college student who needs motivation and advice on how to take control of their college experience and truly make the most of it. 

If any of this has been encouraging, I encourage you to go read “Rule Your Day” by Joel Osteen right now! In a season of life where it is so easy to let fears, worries and anxieties creep in and take hold of your life, this book truly teaches you practical ways on how to take control yourself. Learn how to rule your college days, how to rule your semester and how to rule your life.

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