Faith Zochowski

Garth Stein’s novel The Art of Racing in the Rain is the perfect story for all dog lovers. The book takes on a unique perspective from the dog, Enzo’s, point of view. Enzo tells the story of himself and his owner Denny’s life. Denny lives and breathes car racing and dreams of one day racing professionally. Enzo and Denny spend most of their time sitting on the couch, watching races while Denny drinks a beer and Enzo enjoys some head rubs. 

Denny falls in love with Eve and eventually starts a family with her, bringing little Zoe into the world. As each new member is added to his life, Enzo is forced to navigate a world that is not just him and Denny. Although Enzo is a prominent part of his family, he serves as an outsider, not really being able to weigh in on family struggles. Even so, he is there through every step of his family’s life – the highs, the lows, and everything in between. 

When Eve falls ill, Enzo understands his role as the family pet. He comforts Denny as he takes on the stress of caring for both his sick wife and raising Zoe, he listens to Eve as she tells him her fears that she does not admit to anyone else, and he acts as a playdate for Zoe to distract her from the crumbling world around her. 

Unfortunately, Eve loses her battle to cancer, and Denny and Zoe are forced to navigate their life without her. To add to Denny’s stress and heartache, his in-laws, Eve’s parents, insist that Zoe come to live with them as Denny provides an “unstable” environment for their granddaughter. Denny fights long and hard to prove to the “Twins,” as Enzo names them, that Zoe is best fit to live with her father. 

Stein’s novel shows the incredible bond between man and dog. This relationship is a beloved and recurring theme in many popular novels in our culture, but Stein’s decision to tell the story from the dog’s perspective gives the audience a different side to the story. One element that I thoroughly enjoy about the book is Enzo’s dialogue. The dog speaks in a sophisticated manner, which many would not guess for dogs to have such a wide vocabulary. I like that the author takes this approach to show that dogs may know much more than humans would ever imagine. They are loyal like no other, and although they are unable to verbally communicate with us, they have learned through interaction and observation how to be an integral part of the family. 

Enzo is an incredible narrator and tells the heart-wrenching and uplifting story of a family falling apart but finding their way back to each other. The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautiful story for anyone who loves animals, has suffered heartache, and who needs a reminder of just how important family is.


If you loved the book, be sure to watch the movie based on the book, starring Milo Ventimiglia and Amanda Seyfried!